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Freedom to Find the Perfect Fit

Switching Majors for Success: Allison’s Wildcat Moment

Originally from Acton, California, Allison was interested in the University of Arizona because it was far enough from home to give her independence while still being close enough to visit her hometown. After falling in love with campus during her tour, she knew she was destined to become an Arizona Wildcat.

Allison decided to major in environmental studies and get involved on campus to build leadership skills and meet new friends. However, a few months into her first year, something felt off.

“I called my mom and she said ‘come home for the weekend, let’s talk about this,’” she said. “We figured out that I was in the wrong major. It wasn’t something I was passionate about.”

Thanks to the close connections she had formed on campus, Allison was empowered to explore her options. She decided to switch majors and study communications, a field that sparked her interest. 

Now that she’s a senior and preparing to graduate, Allison thanks her friends for helping her find her fit at Arizona.

“They were the ones who encouraged me and pushed me to do all these different opportunities in front of me,” she said. “That’s when I found my new major that I absolutely love. That was the moment I knew I was a Wildcat.”

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