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A Family Tradition: Lian’s Wildcat Moment

Every day, students choose the University of Arizona after visiting campus. That’s because it’s the best way to picture yourself learning, living, and making memories as a Wildcat.

For one student who crossed the Pacific Ocean to tour campus, the experience was extra special.

Lian – a special education major from Honolulu, Hawaii – said she felt at home from the moment she arrived at Arizona.

"On my tour, I immediately fell in love with the beautiful campus,” she said. “Every single stop on the tour made me love the campus even more and made me feel that I could see myself growing here."

 For Lian, coming to Arizona had a meaningful significance. She isn’t the first Wildcat in her family.

"I applied to the University of Arizona because my grandfather graduated here," she said. “On my tour, I felt like he was looking down and smiling at me."

Ready to have your own Wildcat moment? Plan your visit to campus today.


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